Martes, Mayo 26, 2020


How to open Landbank of the Philippines Savings Account

Today's day, everybody might have an account for Bank. That's mandatory to claim any money from other people or send them by somebody else. You can't get that money of course if you don't have ATM bank Account. We will discuss today how to open an account in the Landbank of the Philippines. This post is an easy guide on what to do and how to open the land bank of the Philippines. We will try to discuss a little bit with the Landbank. It is a government bank that serves people publicly in the Philippines. Why landbank? Because of government easy access to your SSS, Loan or even 4ps member is easy to access to this benefit.


To open an account in Landbank you must be Filipino Citizen and legally live in the Philippines almost for your life. And this is the requirement to open an account:

Individual joint account

-At least 2 valid ids issued from the government (example of ID's are


-Need 1x1 ID PICTURE white background

- Sheet Form that needs to fill up upon registration

-100 Pesos for ATM CARD (Regular Account)

-2,000 Pesos for Opening an Account


After you have this form go with the Account Information and Inform the Officer that you want to open an account. And your good to go, just present the documents and wait for others information need to pass to the Officer and right after that your good to go. You already had a Landbank Regular ATM Account. It is very easy. 


Now that was the traditional way how to open the landbank by visiting their branch at your place. Today's generation we could open it via online registration. It is a very convenient and easy way. All you need to do is go to  .


Right After that Click Deposit


On the navigation select Peso and ATM Savings Account




After that, go to the bottom so that you can see this



And here you go Click Here so that you will be directed to the form online.


You will be directed here and click Apply now and you will need to sign up your details and you're done online.




After you sign up for your details you need to go your near branch landbank to move with another step which is the verification process. That's the time you had the requirement and done. Wait for your ATM card.


Maybe you're wondering why there is apply online. It is because to minimize the line in the branch office and accelerated services to people online. The second step is the verification purposes if you are really the person registered online. And if you do have meet that requirement then it is done. Why everyone needs a bank? In today's era everything is transaction online whether ATM account you can pay services or buy online through atm card. Therefore making an atm account is one way to be wise to shop online receive rebates from online shopping and fewer hassles for you do not need to in a line.


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