Yeah! You heard it right that possible. Well everything in this world is possible if you believe it in. The harder you work for it the more challenging life circumstances thrown to you. Let me share my story on how to have a career online as a Teacher not by profession but as a Virtual Profession and yes it is possible. I am a young OFW (Overseas Filipino Worker) in Hospitality related hotel and cruise ship to be exact. At 20 right after I got my degree at Tourism I grabbed the opportunity in moving to Doha, Qatar, and right after the move to a cruise ship. Things are not easy as a young man needs to enjoy the lifestyle in my country Philippines, therefore I must be at the Philippines working as most others did. It did not happen to me as I take another path and vision it as a new experience to live away from family and friends that are crucial for some but it challenges for me. The experiences teach me the value of time and hard work. I work so hard for the future but yeah maybe that’s it. But, deep in my soul I need to start something that could be in a place that stressed may minimize not totally and at the same time I could take the job from place to place. That’s belief is impossible, as nothing in this world did that as I believe. But it’s wrong a lot of people did it. How? By using an internet platform that can make money to move from one place to another. Yeah that’s true, in triggered me how to do that and that Online Teaching English Exist.
After I
research it, I apply it to it. And yes got the job as Online Teacher in China,
all you need to do is that you may have basic knowledge in English. No need
like a Master in English or even teacher documents to apply. Basic English I
only have internet connection at least 5Mbps, noise-canceling headset, and
working station. That’s it and you’re good to go. Its benefits are you could
move from one place to another. If you didn’t, believe me, well it’s up to you,
but I want to share with you one guy whose job is teaching English to china and
his from the UK. You can search him on YouTube “Digino” that’s the channel. It
proves that he is smart enough to use his talents via the internet making money
to it.
The payment
for this arena is reasonable enough that can feed up to two families. I say
that because it’s possible as long as you put effort into it and dedicated time
teaching English at kids, teenagers, and adults. They are the market in this
big business operating online and you’re welcome to join at this kind of thing.
You could
apply at different sites Native Camp, Rarejob, Acadsoc, and Palfish. To
transition at a time needs to be able to welcome changes from things and I know
everybody can do that. Let us make the internet as a tool for making money for
your benefits aside from entertainment you could learn and earn as well.
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